Make sure that you have the latest driver version 1.50 installed. If not, please follow the instructions below.
You must follow this step in order to use the ESWAP PRO CONTROLLER on PC (Windows 10/11).
Click the “Drivers” menu and download the “Package 2020_eSwap_2.exe” file by clicking the symbol of a white arrow in a red square (on the right-hand side). Depending on the web browser you are using, you will be prompted to either run the file, or save the file. If you are prompted to save the file, go to the destination folder (once the file has been saved) and run the file that you have downloaded. Once the download is complete, double-click the “Package 2020_eSwap_2.exe” file and follow the instructions.
Please note:
This procedure installs both the drivers and the THRUSTMAPPER software simultaneously.
If a driver package for your product is already installed on the computer, installing the new package will first uninstall the previous version. You will then need to run the new package again in order to install the new version.
To help you use and configure the software, please consult the downloadable manual available in the “Manual” section: the file is called “Thrustmapper Software – User Manual”.
Click the “OPTIONS” icon in the Thrustmapper software and follow the instructions.
- Windows 10 This driver package is compatible with this device:
- eSwap Pro Controller Included in this package:
- eSwap Pro Controller driver- Firmware update for eSwap Pro Controller: v7.69- Thrustmapper software v1.4 Installation procedure: 1- Download the eSwap Pro Controller driver package:
- Create a folder for all your Thrustmaster downloads: right-click the Windows desktop, then point to New/Folder.- Name the folder Thrustmaster Downloads.- Click the download link.- A File Download dialog box appears. Click Save.- A Save As dialog box appears. Select the Thrustmaster Downloads folder you have created and then click Save. 2- Once the download is complete, double-click the installation (.exe) file to proceed with the installation:
- When the Windows Security warnings appear, simply click Install to proceed.- You will then be asked to connect the eSwap Pro Controller. Once the devices are connected to the computer, click Next to complete the installation. 3- Following these instructions proceed to the Firmware update of the eSwap Pro Controller components:
- Windows 10/ 11 This driver package is compatible with this device:
- eSwap Pro Controller Included in this package:
- FIRMWARE v8,06: Added support of ESWAP LED BLUE CRYSTAL PACK and ESWAP LED ORANGE CRYSTAL PACK- THRUSTMAPPER v1.6: Added export/import preset function- THRUSTMAPPER v1.6: Added minis-stick square dead-zone option Change in package 2020_eSwap_1:
- Firmware update for eSwap Pro Controller: v7.77 Changes in package 2019_eSwap_2:
- THRUSTMAPPER v1.5: Added multiple languages support (ES, RU, ZH, KO, JP)- THRUSTMAPPER v1.5: Buttons M1-M4 can be deactivated- THRUSTMAPPER v1.5: Added user manual Installation procedure: 1- Download the eSwap Pro Controller driver package:
- Create a folder for all your Thrustmaster downloads: right-click the Windows desktop, then point to New/Folder.- Name the folder Thrustmaster Downloads.- Click the download link.- A File Download dialog box appears. Click Save.- A Save As dialog box appears. Select the Thrustmaster Downloads folder you have created and then click Save. 2- Once the download is complete, double-click the installation (Package 2020_eSwap_2.exe) file to proceed with the installation. **NOTE**: If a driver package for your product is already installed on the computer, running the package installation once will actually uninstall the previous version. It will then be necessary to run it again to proceed to the installation of the new version.
- When the Windows Security warnings appear, simply click Install to proceed.- You will then be asked to connect the eSwap Pro Controller. Once the devices are connected to the computer, click Next to complete the installation. 3- Next, open THRUSTMAPPER, then click the SETTINGS icon and follow the instructions: